How To Hire The Right People Over Just Anybody

Originally published in Forbes.

Making the right hire has never been more important. Hiring the wrong person can cost a company in terms of mistakes, more work or quick turnovers. It can also hurt the company culture when new hires aren’t true team players who are guided by the right values and rules.

Many of the issues plaguing companies that I consult for are derived from failing to hire the right people — at all levels of the organization. I would argue that selecting the right person is one of the most important decisions you will make as a leader. Don’t be in a rush to hire. Make sure you do a comprehensive assessment of each candidate.

Here are four rules to remember to help you in the decision-making process.

Promote Your Mission And Values From The Start

In 2009, Netflix famously shared with the world its 127-slide culture deck titled “Netflix Culture: Freedom and Responsibility.” It outlined the company’s corporate culture, what it believed in, and why working at Netflix was not for everyone.

Read full article here.

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