CASE STUDY: Developing Emerging Leaders with Hospitality NZ

In 2022, Hospitality New Zealand was looking for ways to help young people joining the hospitality industry to develop their careers further with leadership development. Any program developed would have to be applicable across all hospitality business types and speak to young managers with little to no leadership experience.
SGEi’s Solution
SGEi developed a series of videos, ranging from 10 to 20 minutes long, to introduce people who have yet to be a manager but aspired to do so on some critical leadership behaviors and habits.
This ‘Emerging Leaders’ video series was customized for the hospitality industry and New Zealand, though it incorporates all of North America’s current SGEi emerging leaders programs.
Learners were provided with a journal to give reminders, ask essential questions, and provide activities to be completed between each video. The journal was also a tool to stimulate conversations with a person’s manager.
“I have taken a cohort of young leaders through the SGEi program and watched them absorb and implement the practical steps it provides. The videos are engaging, well crafted, and prompt excellent conversation. The workbooks are well structured and an invaluable part of the program. The change I saw in these leaders over the 20 weeks of the program was immense. They have really grown and developed as leaders.”–Melissa Renwick, Regional Manager, Hospitality New Zealand