CASE STUDY: Elevating Leadership Performance with EVT Hotels


In 2022, SGEi was brought in to support the EVT New Zealand hotel properties in elevating their employee experience (EX) and property performance by focusing on EX and the guest experience (GX) culture.

SGEi’s Solution

SGEi conducted a full company assessment across ten properties and completed a full comparison of data between executives, managers, and employees. Based on the data, a workshop was hosted by SGEi to develop a strategy and plan to improve these elements in 2022. Shane Green provided ongoing coaching for ten general managers to support and guide them in their leadership priorities and development needs. This process also included a bi-monthly newsletter to provide them with the latest leadership articles, media, and ideas to share with their senior leaders throughout 2022 and continued in 2023.

From this process, SGEi began hosting the Leadership Performance Program (LPP) in 2023. An SGEi leadership coach delivered one leadership module a month over 12 months, including two one-on-one coaching calls for 15 participants in each cohort. Due to the success, EVT subsequently added two additional LPP cohorts with 15 additional participants in each cohort.


Based on employee pulse surveys, this program elevated leadership within the organization, improving overall communication, trust, and company employee recognition.

“LPP has provided the perfect content to turn our managers into leaders. Easy-to-follow content, interactive and relevant. The ease of application in the workplace ensures that leadership becomes a habit and not a task or tick box. It has changed our culture for the better.” –Petru Domingues, People & Culture Manager, EVT Hotels

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