Happy Holidays: Copy/Paste

This time of year, we reflect, give thanks, celebrate, give gifts, and spread holiday cheer.

If nothing else, we set out, on purpose, to make each other happy.

We love a little stronger. We open our minds a little wider. We give a little more:

  • Of ourselves
  • Of our time
  • Of our gifts

We do and give so much during the holidays, over and above what we usually do or give.

Sure, this particular holiday season only comes around once per year. However, who says we have to wait until Starbucks starts brewing their Holiday Blend® coffee, to set out, on purpose, to make each other happy?

What if, on a routine Tuesday afternoon in January, or again in March, or again in June, or six months from now, you and I spent some time reflecting, giving thanks, giving an unexpected gift, celebrating, and/or spreading good ole fashioned cheer?

How would we feel?

How would our teams feel? Our customers? Our clients? Our partners? Our own leaders?

I bet we would make people happy. I bet you—and I would stop, look around, and smile to make sure—that we just might find ourselves happy as well.

Take a mental inventory of the gifts and time you give, the cheer you spread, and the happiness you bring to your team, your partners, your clients, your customers, and your own leaders during the holidays.

And COPY/PASTE those actions, emotions, and love to all of your days, all year long.

Leadership isn’t about what we do—it’s all about what we give, so give your time, give your talents, and give your heart.

The more you give your team, the more effort, focus, urgency, and productivity they’ll give to furthering your team’s mission.

It has to start with us: the leaders. We go first, and we give the most.

But it’s not about us. It’s all about them.

Give your team your best, and they will give their very best to your guests, customers, and clients. Everyone will be happy.

Happy holidays from SGEi.

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