Stop Blaming Everything Else For Your People Leaving You: Look At Your Managers First
“People do not leave jobs—they leave managers.”
You have probably heard that line many times in your professional career. Yet many owners, executives and managers I have spoken to this year have been quick to offer a myriad of convenient excuses as to why their people are leaving them and their company. While some of those excuses may have merit, I can tell you, the Great Resignation (or whatever we are calling it) results from one thing more than anything else: a bad manager!
The Great Resignation has offered some managers a convenient excuse as to why their people are so quick to leave or are fed up with their current work environment. They have reasoned that due to the pandemic, inflation and a tight labor market, their behavior, attitude and actions have nothing to do with what is going on around them. Simply put, this view is wrong. I want to bust some of these myths that are circling our business community so we can focus on the real problem: our bad managers.
Click to read why individuals are resigning in greater numbers.
Shane Green is a member of the Forbes Coaching Council, and President and Founder of SGE International.
Click connect with Shane on LinkedIn.