Vision, Mission, & Values | Culture | HR Consulting
SGEi can help your organization build or refresh its mission, values, and behaviors.
SGEi has designed a number of internal brands over the years, starting with the development of critical cultural statements. SGEi believes every company must have a clear mission that defines what the company does, why it does it, and for whom it does it. A company’s mission serves as the fundamental cultural building block. Company values define how everyone in the organization should act and interact with each other, assisting in important decision-making. SGEi will develop a set of behaviors that support the values and ensure that each value is observable and measurable. Without these foundational pieces in place, it is hard to build and sustain a positive company culture.
SGEi utilizes surveys and interviews to collect ideas for the purpose, values, and behaviors. A draft of ideas is reviewed with the executive team and key personnel to collect feedback and additional ideas. After, a final version of the purpose and values is created. SGEi will also develop three internal marketing pieces and a two-hour orientation module that will introduce the new purpose and values to current and new employees.
What Sets SGEi Apart?
“The Culture Hacker methodology will help leaders navigate the complexities of performance, engagement, and brand in a values based framework.”
– Linda Fisher Thornton, CEO of Leading in Context