Executive Coaching

Successful culture transformation must originate and be championed from the top. Change cannot be something that everyone else is required to do. The executive team must be aligned with a strategy and successfully elevate the thinking and habits of their senior leaders to own and lead the transformation process.

Our Executive Coaching Process


Founder and President Shane Green and his team work directly with your executives to identify the priorities within the employee experience that need to be rebuilt or refreshed. This identification process occurs through the Culture Hacker assessment, which will also determine the necessary habits and support required for the frontline managers and employees to meet your customers’ expectations. Our workshop establishes the priorities of the company, and we develop a transformation plan. Shane Green will closely collaborate with and coach your executive team over a twelve-month period on how to implement this strategy. The SGEi team designs a series of communication pieces to explain the “why” and “what” of the transformation process to managers.

What Sets SGEi Apart?

SGEi designs and delivers customer service training programs that inspire employees to learn, grow, and take control of their personal development. SGEi also develops a series of stimulation and socialization tools (before and after training modules) to reinforce desired new habits as well as e-Learning modules to ensure the ongoing adoption of those new habits. Further, SGEi modules are accompanied by a frontline manager coaching module to ensure desired habits are ingrained correctly. Whether it’s for leadership, supervisor, sales, or customer service training, SGEi can help.

• 2018 Stevie Gold Award for Customer Service Training Team of the Year
• 2016 Stevie Award for Customer Service Product of the Year
• 2016 Stevie Award for Customer Service Training Practice of the Year


Let’s Work Together


Are you looking for custom training solutions for your company? Let us design a customer experience that is a natural extension of your corporate culture!