Kristen Enright

Director of Culture & Learning
Australia & New Zealand


An internationally experienced business consultant and coach, Kristen works with the SGEi team to help clients maximize their bottom line by creating clarity and efficiency in their business, brand, and culture. Her expertise as a coach spans several continents, working with executives and leaders across multiple industries on their leadership style, communications, and business strategy. Her focus at SGEi is working on content and consulting with clients on company culture and leadership development.

Her career began on Wall Street where she worked to establish and maintain open communication and information sharing between financial sectors and law enforcement agencies (CIA, FBI, United States Secret Service, Dept of Defense). From here, she went on to consult and train leadership and change management in a post-9/11 world. Her time in Canada saw her leading a groundbreaking line of business in the HR Industry that trained companies on the importance of a strong culture and how to use that culture to successfully attract, engage and retain talent.

Since coming to New Zealand, Kristen has worked with hundreds of Managers to improve company culture and empower their leaders.

Let’s Work Together


Are you looking for custom training solutions for your company? Let us design a customer experience that is a natural extension of your corporate culture!