Read all blogs published by the SGEi Team
Why You Should Train Your People
Why You Should Train Your People When I began training nearly 30 years ago, it was common for there to be an uproar for more training after receiving customer feedback scores or
Social Media Is the New Water Cooler
Social Media Is the New Water Cooler While the executive suite often thinks of culture as a top-down initiative that can be easily updated and rolled-out, the fact is front-line associates are
Culture Hacking Is a Business Thing—Not Just an HR Thing
Culture Hacking Is a Business Thing—Not Just an HR Thing Creating a meaningful and effective culture is not just an HR thing—it is a business thing that every manager needs to be
Principles of Team Performance Development in Operations
Principles of Team Performance Development in Operations The start of a new year is a great time to update team member records, review performance, and start with a clean slate. However, before
The Convergence of Social Media & HR
The Convergence of Social Media & HR While social networking can be used by companies internally to create opportunities for collaboration, it can also be detrimental to companies’ bottom lines, as the
Your Four Customer Experience Priorities
Your Four Customer Experience Priorities According to a 2014 Gartner survey, 89% of businesses will compete mainly on customer experience by 2016 versus 36% four years ago. So it would seem that
What’s Love Got to Do With It? How to Win Customers
What's Love Got to Do With It? How to Win Customers The other day I walked by a store that had recently opened in my neighborhood and there was a sign in
Principles of Team Recognition in Operations
Principles of Team Recognition in Operations Recently our VP of Marketing and I were discussing the holidays, and how to properly recognize each team member during this time of thanks giving. I
The Training Series: Developing a Learning Organization
The Training Series: Developing a Learning Organization At SGEi, we specialize in creating cultures that foster learning and development. We deliver training experiences to establish a learning organization for each of our
7 Deadly Sins of a Social Media Customer Experience
7 Deadly Sins of a Social Media Customer Experience We’ve all heard of the classic seven deadly sins from Christian ethics, and mused over the movie Seven, but few of us have
SGEi November Newsletter
SGEi November Newsletter Learn about HR initiatives for cultural development and training. ** Hiring for Culture Fit ------------------------------------------------------------ Consider your company culture: what do you know about it? More importantly, what do
Exceptional Customer Experience = Brand + Culture
Exceptional Customer Experience = Brand + Culture Creating an exceptional customer experience is an extremely powerful tool. The experience you create for your guests influences their emotional connection to your brand, the