

Read all blogs published by the SGEi Team

The Reality of Employee Motivation

The Reality of Employee Motivation Decades of research have brought attention to extrinsic motivation, or the carrot and stick model. We know if/then rewards will work for simple tasks when validation is

Lessons Learned at Walt Disney World

Lessons Learned at Walt Disney World Disney parks and resorts have set the stage for a global shift in customer experience. The reason why so many brands imitate their offerings and training

Lessons Learned at W Hotels

Lessons Learned at W Hotels A paradigm-shifting trendsetter for the hospitality industry, W Hotels was the first brand to set the tone for modern luxury customer experiences in the hotel space. From

Hiring for Cultural Fit

Hiring for Cultural Fit If you read my blog last month, you may have taken a moment to consider your company culture: what did you find out about it? More importantly, what

Let’s Work Together


Are you looking for custom training solutions for your company? Let us design a customer experience that is a natural extension of your corporate culture!