Monthly Archives: October 2019

Leading Change: Three Reasons Why Your Story Makes a Bigger Impact Than Your Business Case


Leading Change: Three Reasons Why Your Story Makes a Bigger Impact Than Your Business Case In life and business, we’d all agree some notions are better in theory than in practice. But

Leading Change: Three Reasons Why Your Story Makes a Bigger Impact Than Your Business Case2020-02-19T22:01:41+00:00

Utilize Consistent Coaching for Enhanced Performance


Utilize Consistent Coaching for Enhanced Performance Originally published in Medium. Welcome back to the Culture Hacker blog series. Today, I want to talk about coaching, and more specifically, providing feedback. Feedback, by

Utilize Consistent Coaching for Enhanced Performance2020-02-20T02:10:25+00:00

Lessons in Leadership from the “Big Game” Coaches


Lessons in Leadership from the “Big Game” Coaches Originally published in Medium. As we close out another exciting year of football, it is a great time to reflect on what we can

Lessons in Leadership from the “Big Game” Coaches2020-02-20T02:10:33+00:00

How To Navigate Difficult Discussions And Decisions In The Workplace


How To Navigate Difficult Discussions And Decisions In The Workplace Originally published in Forbes. Sometimes, leaders have employees who do not belong on certain teams or in certain positions, whether it is

How To Navigate Difficult Discussions And Decisions In The Workplace2020-02-20T02:10:40+00:00

Reprogram Meetings to Inform and Inspire Your Team


Reprogram Meetings to Inform and Inspire Your Team Originally published in Medium. “If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will

Reprogram Meetings to Inform and Inspire Your Team2020-02-20T02:11:11+00:00

Performance Reviews: Why the Traditional Approach is Not Effective


Performance Reviews: Why the Traditional Approach is Not Effective Originally published in Medium. Let’s discuss those dreaded and mostly ineffective performance reviews. In the last blog, I discussed the importance of informal

Performance Reviews: Why the Traditional Approach is Not Effective2020-02-20T02:11:19+00:00

8 Skills That Set Millennials Apart at Work


8 Skills That Set Millennials Apart at Work Originally published in U.S. News. Stand out from the crowd. It's true, millennial workers tend to differ from their older (and younger) colleagues. But

8 Skills That Set Millennials Apart at Work2020-02-20T02:11:27+00:00

How to Create a Diversity Training Program


How to Create a Diversity Training Program Originally published in Business Daily News. You might think that biases are a thing of the past, but while we've made improvements in the last

How to Create a Diversity Training Program2020-02-20T02:11:37+00:00